How does it feel

to be deeply supported in finding yourself?

imagine for a moment

Moving through life in complete alignment with who you truly are. Building relationships, working, loving in a way that feels authentic to you and that honours you and those around you. How would that feel? How would you feel?

Make that dream your reality

Why not? Why not dedicate time to yourself, to understanding who you truly are, liberating yourself from imposed beliefs and moving forward with confidence and courage, embracing you for you and letting the world see you for who you truly are.

Struggling to see it?

Sometimes it takes longer to find ourselves, we are constantly evolving, changing, reshaping that at times we may stray away, get lost in the big wide world and loose sight of who we are. That’s ok! All that we experience makes us who we are and with time and attention, we can always find our way home.

With a little help from your coach

  • My goal is to help you find the clarity you need to live life on your terms. To help you find your purpose, your values, and using them to guide your life moving forward. How does that sound?

  • In saying yes to what you really want and saying no to what doesn’t serve you. To feel confident in speaking your dreams out loud, to become the person you always wished you could be and to be freaking excited about it!

  • Live life on your terms, free from what you “should be”, free from limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living a happy and healthy life. Find the joy in being 100% aligned with what happy means for you.


  • Explore

    Creating and protecting your space to safely, playfully and curiously discover and focus on what you crave most.

  • Deepen

    Thought provoking questions will guide and support you in peeling back the layers and belief systems finding who you really are and want to be.

  • Experiment

    My solution-focused approach will guide you to take action with confidence, experiment in the real world and find out what happy means to you.

kind words from clients

  • "Clari’s awesome to work with. I feel very grateful to know her. I want to tell everybody about her! How did I ever live without her?"


  • "CLARI is a kind woman who knows what she’s doing—I definitely trust her with my career."

    Agata Wholistic Touch

  • "I might not know all the answers, but now I know how and where to find them, and this is surely valuable."


  • "I love the candid and accepting energy Clari brings and how she uses her curiosity to help me express myself further."


  • "This coaching is perfect to achieve your dreams step by step, Clari asks very insightful questions that help you understand your blocks and learn how to overcome them."

    Angela, Riso Chan

Life with your personal life coach

a deeply supporting 3 month program (online)

3 months pure discovery, insight, exploration, and…fun! Find your ‘aha’ moments while feeling deeply supported by your coach.

We will play, explore and expand on what it means to be you, what is stopping you from being who you want to be and building concrete steps to getting you closer to where you want to be.

What’s included:

  • bi-weekly coaching sessions (60-minutes) including a focus and mapping session to deep dive and discover what you truly want

  • progress tracking in each session to make sure we’re moving in a direction that feels right for you

  • concrete action points after each session to experiment with in the real world

  • coaching toolbox: containing our discoveries and helpful practices all in one place

Your investment

  • 12 weeks

  • €579 (incl. VAT)

  • Possibility to pay in 3 instalments of €193